- Nov 13 Sat 2010 15:44
魔物獵人 [分享] 採集說明以及各區域採集列表
- Nov 13 Sat 2010 15:44
魔物獵人 [心得] 新手看這邊就對了!獵人手札
各位夥伴大家好,我是獵團長abokuo。歷經CCB、CBT之後,台版《魔物獵人Frontier Online》(以下稱MHF)也即將進入上式前的公測階段(OBT:Open Beta Test)。相信有很多夥伴會在OBT加入獵人的行列,獵團長歡迎新夥伴加入!
但是…獵團長想請問新夥伴:你知道《魔物獵人Frontier Online》是款什麼樣的遊戲嗎?你知道這款遊戲的刺激性、困難度、遊戲方式…等都與市面上眾多線上遊戲不一樣嗎?
希望新夥伴們能透過《獵團長的獵人手札》對MHF有更多瞭解,吸收基本知識,進而瞭解這款遊戲的魅力所在,一起推廣《魔物獵人Frontier Online》燃燒狩人魂!
第00篇(11/18):《魔物獵人Frontier Online》是款怎樣的遊戲?
第01篇(11/24):我家的PC跑得動《魔物獵人Frontier Online》嗎?
第05篇(12/17):玩《魔物獵人Frontier Online》到底是用鍵盤/滑鼠好還是手把好?
- Nov 13 Sat 2010 15:42
決勝時刻 《決勝時刻4》發動現代戰爭
正 如之前所流傳的一樣,系列最新作將由Infinity Ward公司負責開發,遊戲全名為《決勝時刻:現代戰爭 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)》。正如其副標題所暗示的一樣,本作將拋棄原先的二戰戰爭背景,從劇情到世界觀設定到戰 鬥方式全面進軍虛擬的現代戰場。
遺憾的是,官方到目前為止依然對有關《決勝時刻4》的所有相信情報採取嚴格保密的態度,官方給各大新聞媒 體提供的新聞稿中對遊戲內容,甚至本作的對應平台都隻字未提,但這事實上也是該系列的一貫作風。官方表示,將會通過4月28日美國 ESPN體育頻道實況 轉播的全美足球聯盟比賽中插播的一段宣傳廣告來對外公開這款超人氣FPS遊戲的跨時代最新作。
此外Activision官方還透露,玩家們在本月內(估計是在4月29日)將可以從遊戲開發商Infinity Ward的官方站點上得到有關《決勝時刻4》的首批詳細情報。實際上,這個階段也正是去年有關該系列新作移師現代戰爭的傳聞開始在業內興起的時候。
- Nov 13 Sat 2010 15:42
決勝時刻 [分享] COD2密技
Completing Veteran mode
In Veteran mode, your life expectancy is cut to three or four shots until you die. However, Veteran mode does not improve the enemy's aim or strategy. Use small blocks or small bulges of hills as cover and crawl, because you do not get points for kills, so do not take the Nazis head on. Let your allies lay some fire, if there are any. If not, throw a smoke grenade and shift between crouch and crawl positions, laying cover fire and stall some time for the smoke grenade to spread before the Nazis rush in. Use this smoke cover to fall back to the nearest safe position where you can regroup or hide and pick the Nazis off from afar.
Determining if enemies are still alive
Even after you shoot the enemy, he may still be alive. Make sure to aim your crosshairs at him and see if it turns red. If it does, it indicates that the enemy is still alive, and you must shoot him again. Do not give the enemy the chance to shoot you from behind while he regains consciousness.
Determining grenade danger
The grenade indicator is useful, however, you do not have to run away from it every time. If the indicator points that a grenade has landed near you, but you are taking cover behind a wall, you do not need to run away. Instead, the grenade will explode and not damage you at all.
Kill requirements
Head shots are instant kills. Body shots require two or more shots for a kill.
Recommended weapons
When you find a Kak 98, pick it up. It is one of the most powerful guns in the game. There is a scoped-Kak 98 in the last level (Dragon's Teeth) in the second bunker in the building.
Cheat Codes
At the main menu, select "Game Options", then choose the option to enable the console. Press ~ to display the console window, then enter "developer 1" as a command to enable cheat mode. The "Load" button will now appear. Click it and select the desired level. After the level loads, press ~ to display the console window again, then enter "devmap" as a command. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God mode god
All weapons, full ammo, health and armor give all
Refill ammunition and grenades give ammo
Flight mode ufo
No clipping mode noclip
Ignored by enemies notarget
Teleport to a node jumptonode
Level select map [level name]
Mission set select /seta [mission set name]
Spawn indicated item give [item name]
Commit suicide kill
Unknown demigod
Cheat Codes (demo version)
At the main menu, select "Game Options", then choose the option to enable the console. Press ~ to display the console window, then enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a command. Then, enter spdevmap eldaba as a command to begin the demo with cheats enabled. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God mode god
Refill ammunition and grenades give ammo
Cycle through weapons give all
No clipping mode noclip
Ignored by enemies notarget
Set jump height; 39 is default jump_height [number]
Slow motion; 1 is default timescale [.01-1.00]
Level names
Use one of the following values with the "map [level name]" code to advance to the indicated level:
88 Ridge: 88ridge
Armored Car Escape: toujane_ride
Assault On Matmata: matmata
Bergstein: bergstein
Comrade Sniper: downtown_sniper
Crusader Charge: libya
Defending The Pointe: duhoc_defend
Demolition: demolition
Downtown Assault: downtown_assault
El Alamein: elalamein
Holding The Line: decoytown
Prisoners Of War: beltot
Railroad Station No. 1: trainyard
Rangers Lead The Way: hill400_assault
Red Army Training: moscow
Repairing The Wire: tankhunt
Retaking Toujane: toujane
Stalingrad City Hall: cityhall
The Battle For Hill 400: hill400_defend
The Battle Of Pointe Du Hoc: duhoc
The Brigade Box: breakout
The Crossing Point: rhine
The Crossroads: crossroads
The Diversionary Raid: decoytrenches
The End Of The Beginning: eldaba
The Silo: silotown
The Tiger: newvillers
Mission set names
Use one of the following values with the "/seta [mission set name]" code to unlock the corresponding set of missions:
Crossing The Rhine: mis_10 9
D-Day: mis_07 9
Fortress Stalingrad: mis_04 9
Hill 400: mis_09 9
Not One Step Backwards!: mis_03 9
Rommel's Last Stand: mis_06 9
The Battle For Caen: mis_08 9
The Battle Of El Alamein: mis_02 9
The Tank Squadrons: mis_05 9
The Winter War: mis_01 9
- Nov 13 Sat 2010 15:39
AION 永恆紀元 以秒計費模式將會是未來線上遊戲的主流!